Interior stage

E-Drives - Driving forces – in carefully tested quality

Even if they are often hidden from view, electric drives play a significant and growing role in today's mobility. Without it, neither the vehicle moves, nor does much move in the vehicle. So-called small electric motors are at the heart of numerous comfort functions and assistance systems: Sunroof, power windows, seat adjuster, tailgate, wipers, ABS drive and pump, parking lock and many more.

The shift towards electromobility has produced electric motors with new voltage ranges. Furthermore,  e-mobility is creating additional demand for electric motors for components that previously obtained their drive energy from the internal combustion engine. For example, the air conditioning system in a hybrid or all-electric vehicle now requires an electric drive.

That is why Berghof Automation has made testing these diverse drives one of its core competencies.

In this context, we offer, for example, a climatic endurance test bench for BLDC and DC motors (brushless and brushed three-phase motors), a torque test system for DC motors and a characteristic test bench for spindle drives. They are all adapted to the respective customer-specific needs. 

Test benches for research and development / audit

BLDC test bench

Climatic endurance test bench for BLDC motors

BLDC motors must function faultlessly under a wide variety of environmental conditions. Because cars are on the road in midsummer as well as in the depths of winter, in wet and sometimes extreme dry conditions. So in order to be able to test them under specific, previously defined thermal conditions, our endurance test bench for BLDC motors has a climatic chamber. This enables our customers to simulate real, dynamic load profiles – but also extreme situations to put the drive through its paces.

Our test bench is used in particular as an audit test station in quality management. Test specimens can typically be ABS pump drives. Berghof Automation's test system for brushless DC motors is capable of precisely recreating the operating environment of the test specimens. At the same time, it is so flexible that we can also adapt it quickly and easily to future requirements.



  • Highly dynamic generation of the load for the motors
  • Simulation of the loads of a real application or a limit load
  • Six to eight test item recordings per endurance test bench
  • Thermal conditioning with the help of a climatic chamber
  • Basis for measurement application and user interface: Berghof Automation Framework, created in LabVIEW
  • Acquisition of currents, voltages, angles, speeds, torques, temperatures


  • Enables endurance testing with mixed equipment (free variant mix of DUTs)
  • Operation of up to eight asynchronously controlled BLDC motors
  • Highly dynamic servo drives as load motors → realistic testing
  • Fast control of the presets due to precision torque sensors
  • Fast real-time data acquisition with the NI PXI real-time measurement system
  • A climatic chamber enables the investigation under extreme environmental conditions
  • Flexibility: individual creation of emerging load cases

Prüfstand für BLDC-Motoren

The hydraulic test bench for BLDC motors has a total of six oil chambers.

Ölbäder des Prüfstandes

The oil baths of the test bench contain the original oil in which the engines are also located in the real transmission in the vehicle.

BLDC-Prüfer mit Ölbad

The BLDC tester with oil bath combines electrical with realistic mechanical testing of the motors.

Übersicht Funktionsweise

How the BLDC tester with oil bath works

Application Report: Combination of electrical and mechanical BLDC testing

Berghof Automation has added a unique new feature to its proven test system for BLDC motors. As of now, the climatic endurance test bench is also able to test the engines in their real hydraulic environment. Your benefit: This allows them to test them in the respective oil, just as they would later in real use – and under absolutely realistic conditions. Thus, the system tests the components, according to the life cycle of the engines, with different types of oil, different degrees of contamination of the oil and, thanks to the climatic chamber, in the complete temperature range.

Would you like to learn more about BLDC testing in an oil bath? Then you are welcome to read our report on the subject!

You think (moving) pictures say more than a thousand words? Then take a look at our product video !

BLDC tester with oil bath and climatic chamber in video clip
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Discover our BLDC tester with oil bath and climate chamber in the video clip!

Characteristic test bench for spindle drives

Spindle drives move convenience functions such as the sunroof, window lifters, seat and steering wheel adjusters, and the tailgate. To ensure that they perform their task properly, a Berghof test bench checks their function beforehand. Berghof Automation has added this powerful system to its portfolio – both as a characteristic curve test bench for a single spindle drive and as an endurance test bench for several spindle drives. They are used in development, audit and also in production.

The load is simulated by dynamic servo drives with spindles. Specially developed H-bridges (bridge circuits) with short switching times and currents of up to 100 A are used to control the DC motors. Our test benches for spindle drives work with technologies that are also used in the climatic endurance test bench for BLDC motors.

Spindle test stand


Spindle test bench close-up
  • Simulation of the loads of a real application or a limit load up to blocking
  • Highly dynamic servo drives as load motors→ realistic testing
  • Fast regulation of the presets due to precision force sensors
  • Fast real-time data acquisition with the NI PXI real-time measurement system
  • Flexibility: individual creation of emerging load cases
  • Endurance tests at room temperature are possible
  • Basis for measurement application and user interface: Berghof Automation Software, created in LabVIEW
  • Acquisition of currents, voltages, position, velocity, forces, temperatures

Optional design

Endurance test system for spindle motors

As an endurance test system – additional features:

6-fold endurance test bench for spindle motors

Six DUT receptacles – mixed configuration possible (free variant mix of DUTs) → Operation of up to six asynchronously controlled drives

6-fold endurance test bench for spindle motors

Thermal conditioning with the aid of a climatic chamber – enables e.g. testing under extreme ambient conditions

Test benches for production – end of line (EOL)

Torque testing for DC motors

Berghof Automation is the specialist for testing small electric motors: In addition to BLDC drives, we also offer our customers our expertise in testing DC drives – i.e. brushed DC motors. Our standardized torque test system for all types of automotive electric motors is the best choice for our customers' assemblies with actuators such as tailgate actuators, door locks, window regulators or seat racks. The system performs the electrical and mechanical end-of-line function test semi-automatically.


  • Programmed test sequence
  • Preset current voltage curves
  • Mechanical testing: Load simulation (e.g. force curve of a tailgate)
  • Measurement of current, voltage, force, displacement and torque angle curves
  • Visual display or individual output of test results



What can we do for you?

We look forward to receiving your call or e-mail. You are also welcome to send us a message using our contact form. We will be there for you as soon as possible.

Thomas Brüggemeier Key Account Manager
+49 7121 894-123 send e-mail
Peter Deckelmann Technical Sales
+49 7121 894-117 send e-mail