We want to pass this experience on to you and therefore offer various customized training modules on all aspects of Berghof automation and CODESYS V3:
Module 1: Introduction to CODESYS V3 and Berghof controllers:
Learn the essential functions of Berghof controllers and the basic elements of CODESYS V3 in a small group in just a short time.
Module 2: Introduction to CODESYS V3 Softmotion:
Learn the basic functions of CODESYS V3 SoftMotion and how to configure drives.
Module 3: Porting a CODESYS V2.3 project to CODESYS V3:
Learn about the necessary measures of such a porting and test everything through on a CODESYS SoftPLC.
Module 4: Introduction to object-oriented programming:
Learn to independently apply your own projects in CODESYS V3.
Module 5: Optional topics:
Explore freely selectable problems with CODESYS V3 using practical exercises