Verpackungsmaschine Capping Machine

Control technology for packaging machines

The perfect solution: With the latest generation of controllers from Berghof, you shorten your time-to-market and, at the same time, improve the system availability of your packaging machines.

The global demand for customized packaging is increasing exponentially, which also drives the demand for flexible filling and packaging systems.

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Reference - Floating Capper

13 different motors from different manufacturers, controlled by a compact PLC and centrally regulated via just one control panel? Sounds unbelievable - but in this Berghof Automation project, it's a reality. Non-proprietary systems and the open CODESYS standard are the magic words here.

Click here for the full report

Raspberry Pi controllers

Ideal for packaging machines

The B-Nimis BC-Pi 

  • High-precision synchronization of machine axles
  • Fast response to events
  • Motion, CNC, and Robotics Library
  • A quad core and a high clock rate enable very consistent cycle sequences
  • A diagnostic concept for more efficient troubleshooting speeds up software development
  • Open to external drive manufacturers via EtherCAT, Profinet, CAN/CANopen and Modbus
  • Outstanding connectivity through WLAN & Bluetooth with mobile devices
  • Standardized cloud connection
  • The open system offers all software options available in the Raspberry Pi® community